Rowan T

Rowan T’s world through the eyes of Mommy and Daddy T

Powder And Bumps

It’s a powder day here in Stowe, so we took to the slopes.

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Friday Program

There are many things we like about living in Stowe, and one of those things is the public school system. And there are many things we like about the Stowe schools, and one of those things is Friday Program.

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Present Farting

I know Christmas 2014 has come and gone, but I just had to share this. Santa brought Rowan a fart gun for Christmas. The thing just cracks him and me up. And so does this video from Christmas morning. Rowan shot each and every present with a fart ray after he opened the fart gun present.

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First Day With Ski Poles

Last weekend Rowan was promoted to "fox" in his ski lesson. This means he is now ready use ski poles starting with his next lesson.

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New Hot Wheels Tracks

I really love the new Hot Wheels tracks Papa Butch and Nancy gave me at Christmas.

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